Learning to Sleep – Part 3

Day 3 & 4: Dad’s Turn and the Scary Part, followed by a little Sojourn.

Saturday, since I was at work all day Friday and Kate had to fend for herself, Saturday was my turn at learning how to put Sean in his new routine.

It actually wasn’t too hard and he does settle down nicely for his sleeps. even more surprising is the morning, we wake a little later than usual for the schedule at 10 to 7. I wander into the little guys room to wake him, expecting the usual little grumpy bum, but he opens his eyes and gives me the biggest smile.

My heart melts.

we go through the process and look at what the day will bring, 10 am and we are going in for a check up.

Here is the scary part, 2 days in, upped feeding with 100ml comp feeds to bring his weight up, 2 servings of solids each day. What happens?

200 grams…. down.

How? why? what have we done wrong?

Admittedly he has done two absolutely massive shits after his first day, but to loose that much weight.

New plan, 100ml comp feeds moves up to each feed rather then the ones after midday. The formula should help him build back up, most bottle fed babies do tend to bulk up more, Sean has been on pure breast for the last 3 months and only a 100ml top up before his last sleep. We will do what we must to get him in shape.

Now, don’t get me wrong, he’s a healthy little chap, but the little part seems to be the concern.

The rest of Saturday goes well, he eats his pumpkin, potato and zucchini like a champ, cereal and fruit goes down too. Sleep overnight is an eventless joy, not even a dummy.

Sunday… wake at 6:15 am feed, play, have breakfast, put him down for 8am…. and the struggle starts. Apparently the Fourth day at Tressillian is a day that most kids slide back. Sean lives up to it. Up around 9:30, get through an early rise and get him back on schedule with a 10am feed, solids included that he eats with gusto. 12pm down, not happy jan, lets us eat lunch but fights the sleep the whole way after 50mins down.

This continues for the rest of the day, we are both tired, a visit from the family of Kate’s sis, hubby and niece, put him down for 4, struggle town again. up at 6pm for feed, solids and we have to try and get him settled for a night out, otherwise no dinner for us.

8 pm rolls around, after a bath we get him settled and head out looking forward to a nice meal, our first sans Sean since his birth.

Dinner does not go as planned, we wanted to try a new Brazilian BBQ place in Beverly Hills, but they close at 9pm on a Sunday, so we decide to go to an old favourite, the D to D cafe. Sangria is ordered… Nice, Steaks are ordered…cooked to perfection and tasty as, dessert is orded… shouldn’t have.

After 4 days of hospital food, dinner is great, but we head back to be in the doors b 9:50 pm, nt much of a night out, but we are both so tired.

Evening report, 50mins then in goes the dummy, he was asleep when we got in and has just gotten up at 11 for his last feed.

Tomorrow I leave Tresillian, Kate is staying an extra day due to the weight concern. We shall see what his result is tomorrow. I’m back at work and on call so I can’t return to the hospital. let’s hope for good news.


One Response to “Learning to Sleep – Part 3”

  • Mum Says:

    Again well written (couple of spelling errors though. it is consistency and as long as that is maintained it will work, but also having a full tummy helps. You know yourself when you have had a big meal all you wan to do is sleep.

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